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Monday, March 22, 2010

Gay marriage and behavior: bad, just weird and unnatural, neither, or both?

This topic has been argued back and forth, so I will try my best to stay cool and use plain reason to sort things out. First off a definition…

Gay: One who chooses to live their lifestyle of having love and sexual affection for one of their own sex.

Notice the word chooses in this definition. To clarify, I mean choose in the context that the people who are gay, weather they have biological or emotional problems or not, choose to act in the manor that they do; one does not choose to become a homosexual because it sounded fun or everyone else is doing it.

So the first question. Is homosexuality bad? To do this lets define bad, in 2 ways in fact…

1. Causing or liable to cause sickness or ill health; injurious or harmful

2. Invalid, unsound, or false.

For the first definition of bad, we need to see if homosexuality hurts anyone. At first, you might think not “it’s just two people in love, what is wrong with that?” I researched this question online, and I will try to summarize it here “if you want to read the whole article which I recommend, I provided the link below”

This article sums up the negativity homosexual marriages into two categories, as well as a third to end and conclude the article…

1. Changing the definition of Marriage

To go through with this point here is a definition of marriage…

Marriage: the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc.

Notice the word commitment, which means devotion, which is self explanatory. It is assumed in marriages that if you are getting married you will be with this person for a very long time if not for ever, and that you must not “cheat” your wife by sleeping with another woman or vice versa a woman sleeping with another man. In reading the article I saw that they made a claim that many gay marriages are open, or that there are other sexual partners involved. The link was broken to the site, so I searched it in Google, here’s what I found from the New York Times…

“New research at San Francisco State University reveals just how common open relationships are among gay men and lesbians in the Bay Area. The Gay Couples Study has followed 556 male couples for three years — about 50 percent of those surveyed have sex outside their relationships, with the knowledge and approval of their partners.
That consent is key. “With straight people, its called affairs or cheating,” said Colleen Hoff, the study’s principal investigator, “but with gay people it does not have such negative connotations.” From (

There should be warning bells going off in your head by now. In gay marriages, not only is there a LOT of cheating going on, but they are OK with it! This goes completely against the definition of marriage, what would even be the point of marriage if you are going to have multiple partners? It just is not natural or even sound, definition 2 of “bad”

2. What about the children?

A good question indeed, what is the youth getting from this? In reading the article, I read the following…
“Research has also shown that children raised by homosexuals were more dissatisfied with their own gender, suffer a greater rate of molestation within the family, and have homosexual experiences more often.
Gay marriage will also encourage teens who are unsure of their sexuality to embrace a lifestyle that suffers high rates of suicide, depression, HIV, drug abuse, STDs, and other pathogens.”

Not only this, but the confusion and brainwashing that go on in a child’s life in this situation must be horrible. The child would think this same sex marriage was a natural part of life “in which I will prove it is NOT later”, just like a male female marriage.

Going back in time, we can also relate homosexuality with early sex or sex before marriage or in schools. Believe it or not, the world used to believe it unthinkable that kids in middle-school would get pregnant and have sex. What did we do about? We invented sex education. Instead of reverting to the natural “waiting for sex till marriage”, we educated them to do it safely. We now know our mistake, there are now many abortions and overstressed children with their own children, as well as the confusion involved. If we controlled it better maybe we would not be in this mess. Who is to say the same won’t happen with the subject of gay behavior and same sex marriage? Should we just give in to our desires and say that it is wrong and help to make it safe?

For the rest of this post, I will concentrate on the natural part of this topic, or why it is bad in the sense of false or invalid. In my previous post we determined we have a sense of right and wrong, and not just instinct. In my studies and college classes, I learned how to see if something is natural or not, in which I will put the gay behavior on the hot seat.

For something to be a natural law, it has to work. For now, to be basic, let’s say not murdering someone was NOT a natural law, that is, it is morally OK to murder. What we must do now is this; we globalize the rule, now everyone must kill someone, its law. What happens? Everyone dies because everyone kills each other. Stealing… everyone must steal. What happens? There’s no such thing as private property, everything is up for grabs. Now that I have given some examples, I will use the gay behavior. People say to be gay is natural, so let’s try it using the “king of the world” method (what I used above)

“I am king of the world, and I am gay. Whatever I say goes, and I say every man must marry man and every woman must marry a woman, and no one must have sex with a human of the other sex.”

So in this decree, you see the error. If this is the case, than humans could no longer reproduce and the human population would die out. This would put the gay behavior in definition 2 of bad: Invalid, it does not work. Not only does it not work in the natural sense, it goes against instinct (to reproduce for offspring, not pleasure) and morality (It brings pain to others and it is not right, as well as changing the definition of something most people consider in the utmost importance, religious or not)

In conclusion, it is my view, along with these FACTS, that gay marriage and the behavior is WRONG and UNNATURAL.

Note from the Author

Although I believe the lifestyle mention above is wrong, and I completely disagree with them, I do not hate anyone who is living this way and I do not believe they will be condemned if they know Jesus Christ our savior. I am also not saying that all gay people are prideful about their status, I’m sure there are many people in this world that are struggling with emotional problems as well as biological problems that put them in this state of thinking, in recognition I sympathize for those who are confused and seek council rather than take pride in their abnormality and rally for it to be standardized.


  1. First of all, I'm not gay, and personally I don't support it. I am a Christian and I believe that it is against the laws that God set before us.

    However, I see at least two points I would like to bring up from your post.

    First, I feel there is quite a hasty generalization made. The research you presented is a bit onesided. I know several gay couples who would adamantly be offended by the statistic in the article. They have closed relationships without cheating of any kind, nor would they molest or in any other way harm their children or any other children. To make claim that because this happens in SOME relationships therefore all homosexual relationships are bad is a hasty generalization of ALL homosexual couples. Your statistic might prove that there is a higher chance that it might happen, at least in the Bay area, but we could take the same polls in the NYC area and find quite a different statistic. Also, flip side, what statistic do we have for heterosexual couples? There are areas where being a Swinger is quite popular (and I wouldn't be surprised if that would be around the Bay Area).

    Second, while talking about natural laws and whatnot, you stated an exaple that if murder were a natural law that everyone would murder everyone and no one would be left, but I feel the point is overlooked that if murder were not illegal, if there were no consequence for murder, that some would still not practice such things. Similarly, as is the case now, homosexuality is not illegal, yet not everyone practices it. I might have misunderstood this entire argument, so I appologise if I did, but this is how it appears to me from the above information.

    Again, just playing Devil's advocate here and making you think a bit.

  2. eb516

    Thanks for your comments i appreciate, so i can further improve my reasoning.

    1st, I agree with you on the fact that there are some if not many gay couples that take marriage seriously, my stating the statistics is merely to show that there is an attack on the definition of marriage. I am not saying simply just because 50% of gay couples have other sexual partners that most oare like this, i am stating that a good amount of people in this situationis attempting to change what marriage is all about, to have one loyal partner; for gay marriages to brake this law and to be OK with it is the main point, not to generalize

    for your second point, I admit i was a little unclear and could have written it better. I know for certain. like you, that if murdering was not illegal many people still would not murder. I was using an example i learned in my philosophy class called (king of the world)

    King of the world is used to see if something is morally right or wrong or (natural), it goes like this

    1. What is the main principle

    2. be the king of the world and make people do the law

    3. generalize and see if it makes sense.

    This idea is in a theoretical sense, not literal, so i see where you got confused. I i used this method to see if homosexuality made sense if it had the same moral value of changing a flat tire for an old lady or mating for the purpose of ofspring, in which that sense it does not because in the example if theoreticly everyone were made to be homosexuals reproduction could not occur and the world would not make sense where as changing i tire makes sense because no harm comes out of it.

    hope this helps a little bit and sorry for the confusion.

    Josh Buel
